Sunday 30 November 2014

Japanese Fan

Today kids learnt a new art at preschool.  As kids love paper art and we introduced a new skill  by flipping it again and again. We all made called "Japanese fan" with children. They had great fun in making those fans and after they finished making them, they started doing actions as they are very hot.........

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Outdoor Art

Today we did some painting outside...we used the swipe and throw technique which gave our paintings a really cool effect..

Children’s art is so precious and beautiful and every child has their own unique way of creating their work.  It is great to bring the creative experiences outside as it often attracts children who wouldn't normally sit at the art table. 

Painting is a wonderful activity where children test their fine motor skills. Concentration and focus is used as children develop their creative dispositions, express themselves in non-verbal ways and learn about colour, texture, shape, design, perspective and other pre-maths concepts.

“Children develop the confidence to choose and experiment with materials, to play around with ideas, and to explore actively with all the senses” (Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 88). 

Wednesday 19 November 2014

What did we do at kindergarten today...

Fixed some cars...

Made some pikelets...

Swung like monkeys...

Played some B Ball...

Boing boing!!..did some bouncing...

Just hanging out...

Did some sandpit baking ...

Made and flew some kites...

Made a tipi hut...

What an eventful day!!I wonder what tomorrow has in store for us...

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Christmas is just around the corner....

Christmas prep and planning has begun and we couldn't be more excited!! 36 sleeps till santa arrives...

Monday 17 November 2014

ReUse ReMake ReCycle

Last week we made our own crayons...we used all of the little broken crayons to melt down and make new ones..

After we cut and broke them into little pieces, we put them into some plastic muffin trays and put them in the oven for 10 minutes until they had melted together...once they had cooled right down we popped them out of their cases, Too easy!

They look awesome and are super fun to use on paper as there's so many colour's to choose from in each block.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Slam Dunk!!!

KCC got a brand new basket ball hoop and balls today and we were so excited to start practicing! 

We used the smaller balls to start with and when we were really good at getting them through the hoop we started practising with the basketballs which was a little bit harder because they are heavier. 

We each had a turn with the basket balls and aiming them for the hoop. We even got a few of them in. 

Practice makes perfect, maybe we'll be able to try again when they sun comes out :) 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Little lambs

Mary had....lots of little lambs whose fleece was white as snow!!

Today we made lamb masks with bex..everyone looked super cute and played with them all afternoon 
