Thursday 31 October 2013

Oscars dad comes to visit!!

Last week we had a very special visitor in Phoenix House to come and talk with us. It was not only a New Zealand Police officer but he is also Oscar’s Dad.  Shayne was kind enough to take some time out of his busy day to come in and visit us at Phoenix House. Everyone was so excited to see him and had lots of questions to ask.  Shayne started off by showing us his uniform and all the special things he carries everyday to help him do his job. Oscar loved showing us his favourite part of his Dad’s uniform that he loves to play with... his special torch. Everyone also really enjoyed having a look at the hand cuffs he carries, we all had a turn of trying them on. He then talked about what a police man does, which many of you already had some good ideas such as “putting people in jail” “chasing bad guys” “helping people" which are all correct but some other things we learnt about a police man’s job was that we can call them when we are lost and need help, and what number we can all, which most of you know as 111. He also talked about only calling that number in an emergency when we really need help.  The most exciting part of this visit was getting to play in his police car. He opened up the doors and everyone got a turn to sit inside and he even turned on the different sirens and lights!  What an exciting mat time we had today. Everyone learnt a lot of new information and we have already seen lots of police role playing in the playground.  Big thanks to Oscar and his Dad for this great experience, I don’t think it will be forgotten any time soon.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone :) Today in Phoenix House we celebrated Halloween! We were so lucky with the weather, as we expected rain, but we managed to spend the day outside in the sun. Everyone looked so great in their costumes and we all loved seeing what everyone came dressed up as. We enjoyed yummy treats for morning tea like jelly with snakes in and spider cupcakes thanks to some of our fabulous parents. During mat time we read spooky themed books and made Halloween inspired art for our walls. We all had such an awesome day! Check out the photos to see our fantastic costumes from the day.